Jr High Trimester

Course Resources:

Students should come prepared for class each day with something to write with and a charged chromebook. Each student will need a folder or small binder to keep track of class notes, handouts, and other class materials, unless chromebook is preferred for note taking. All textbooks used in the class will be kept in the classroom. Chromebooks will be used in class for educational purposes only. Failure to comply with proper use of chromebook within the classroom will result in no use of the chromebook within the agriculture classroom. Students will be given one documented behavior warning and discipline referrals will occur with each additional incident per Meadow Heights  student handbook guidelines.  

Proper classroom behavior is expected of all students in the classroom at all times. The student should:
Be on time and ready to go

2. Be respectful of everyone/everything in the room
Participate in class discussions

Course Objectives:

This course is designed to provide a foundation for further study into the agricultural classes. This course provides the student with opportunities to develop leadership concepts and skills through the FFA program. Exposure to the various disciplines of agriculture can cultivate a basic understanding of the many agricultural fundamentals and practices.

Units of Study:

  • Hunter’s Safety Education
  • Introduction to Agriculture in the US & Missouri Agriculture
  • Products from Agriculture
  • Introduction to Animal Science
  • Introduction to Woodworking 

Grading Policy:

Students should make all attempts to pass this class. Ms. Burgfeld is always available to discuss support structures for your child’s education. If the student, the parent and the teacher all act proactively, we shall achieve success together. 

Students with continuous missing work and/or a failing grade at designated checkpoints will be assigned to after school tutoring in the subject(s) until work/grade is brought current or passing.  Grades included in checkpoints are mid-quarter grades and end-of-quarter grades.  

Repeatedly not turning in minor in-class work, etc. would result in tutoring assignment after three missing assignments during the quarter. Please refer to the student handbook for further details regarding district wide grading policy. 

Attendance Policy:

Students have the equivalent amount of days to make up all assignments as the number of days missed due to an excused absence. Work may be made up before or after school and must be scheduled with the course instructor. It is the student’s responsibility to collect ALL missed work during their absences.

Plagiarism/Academic Dishonesty Policy:

Plagiarism and academic dishonesty are serious offenses. The academic work of a student is expected to be his/her own effort. Students must give the author(s) credit for any source material used. To represent ideas or interpretations taken from a source without giving credit is a flagrant act. To present a borrowed passage after having changed a few words, even if the source is cited, is plagiarism. Students who commit any act of academic dishonesty will receive a failing grade in that portion of the coursework. Acts of academic dishonesty will be reported to the administration.